They were attacked and infect by the zombies released by Javier.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: 3-4
Javier Zombies
Zombies which were spotted in Mixcoatl. These were people that stood against Javier, whom he captured and turned into zombies.
There is speculation that they were released by Javier as weapons of terror that attacked and infected the villagers expanding the outbreak. Javier punished people and made examples of them by injecting them with the T-Virus and having them serve as “guard dogs” for his mansion.
Apparently there are types which have been artificially placed in a states of suspended animation and made faster and more ferocious by inducing a V-ACT reaction. They are generally kept on chains in shackles, but when an enemy is in the vicinity, they are released.
Origin: Human | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 1-3
Jumping Maneater
A South American spider-based B.O.W. that is optimized for hot and humid climates.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: 3-4
The gigantic monster which appeared in the Mixcoatl church. Beginning with the guide, many people met their end at this creature. It hides under water and drags victims below the surface and devours them. Its legs and shiny skin look like those of an amphibious creature, but no one know what it really is.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: 4-5
Plague Crawler
Insect-based B.O.W.s that were created by injecting various types of insects with the T-Virus and then manipulating their genes. Some are almost 2 meters long and have suitably large death-dealing pincers. They lack the intelligence to be suitable for use on the battlefield, so their development was halted and they were to be destroyed. However, some of them escaped destruction and were purchased by Javier as low-cost B.O.W.s.
Origin: Insect | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 2-3
Hunter Gamma
A Hunter subspecies based on the amphibious Hunter Alpha and Beta developed at a European umbrella research facility. Its keen sensory ability makes up for its devolved eyesight, however, its inability to move outside of water makes it quite premature for use as an all-purpose B.O.W. Its weaknesses are direct sunlight and exposure to dry air. But it can be a great menace in places where water resources are plentiful.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: 3
Dam Worker Zombies
Former workers who manages and maintained the Javier Dam. They were washed away when water from the dam was released and then attacked my Javier’s zombies.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: 3-4
South American Bat
These bats sucked the nectar from infected flowers, and thusly became infected themselves. Like the bats on Rockfort Island, they have a habit of attacking their prey in groups.
Origin: Bat | Infection: – | Danger: 1
This new kind of B.O.W. is the product of the project to develop a replacement B.O.W. to the Hunter. Since it is a bat which incorporates insect DNA, and whose digestive organs have been done away with to drastically reduce weight, it can jump and move with surprising speed, while still possessing incredible skeletal strength. The name Anubis is taken from the god in Egyptian mythology. It skillfully uses its talon-like claws to scale walls and ceilings, and from these vantage points it assaults its victims.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: 4
Jabberwock S3
An experimental biological weapon purchased by Javier. Little is known about the organization developing it, but it is throught to be a competitor to Umbrella. It appears to borrow much from the Umbrella B.O.W. Bandersnatch. The properties of this biological weapon have been enhanced by the T-Veronica virus. It has three sickle-shaped arms that possess an unparalleled strength. In its defensive form it uses these arms to cover its body, making bullets useless against it. Its intelligence is such that it understands commands and can carry out its duties under a variety of circumstances.
Origin: – | Infection: T-Veronica | Danger: 4
Ivy +YX
Ivy that is optimized for hot and humid climates. Because it is plant-based, it is will-suited to temperate climates.
Origin: Plant | Infection: – | Danger: 3
South American Ants
Ants that live in the South American jungle which were infected by the T-Veronica. They very closely resemble the ants created by Alexia.
Origin: Insect | Infection: – | Danger: 1
Piranhas that were administered the T-Virus. Unlike normal piranhas these can survive out of water for an extended period of time. They glide along the water’s surface and attack their victims with a heightened ferociousness. They were bred as fighting fish, and to serve as a death penalty for traitors. In the Mixcoatl attack, hordes of them were released from the Javier Dam.
Origin: Fish | Infection: – | Danger: 3
Mercenary Zombie
Soldiers who worked for Javier that were infected and turned into zombies. It is thought that Javier, in his madness, created these zombies on purpose. Originally, they were members of Javier’s mansion security force. They still carry explosives.
Origin: Fish | Infection: – | Danger: 3
Hilda’s Second Form
The monster Javier’s wife Hilda became 11 years ago, after she was seized with an unknown illness, and administered the T-Virus in the name of treatment. Already having lost all form of reason, her insatiable appetite governs her actions. Judging from her reasons to Javier’s words and Manuela’s she still has faint memories of her former life. Despite her large size, she can use her powerful legs to move quickly even on land. Her weakness is her head and exposed brain, but a good shot can only be obtained from an elevated point.
Origin: Human | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 5
V Complex
The result of a greenhouse grown Veronica Plant gone out of control, this extreme life form has limitlessly consumed everything around it, including Javier. The cold climate of the Antarctic Base kept the Veronica Virus in check, but under hot and humid conditions, it became so active at to threaten the surrounding ecosystem. Its body produced a sub organism which flies. Its abdomen contains sporangium that erupt and spread spores. Those spores further increase the size of the Veronica ecosystem, and pose a terrible threat.
Origin: Plant | Infection: T-Veronica | Danger: 5
Memory Of A Lost City Chapter Enemies:
Town Zombie
The citizens of Raccoon City were infected with the T-Virus through transmission by the city’s rodent population. The subsequent zombie horde included many residents from outside of Raccoon City since many people were in town to attend a football game at the time of the outbreak.
Origin: Human | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 1-2
Zombie Dogs (Cerberus)
The Cerberus is a B.O.W. created by administering the T-Virus to a large Doberman. This creature, given the code number MA-39 by researchers, is extremely violent. In response to the virus, its skin is severely decayed, although its speed, jumping range, endurance, and aggressiveness are considerably heightened. It retains the group dynamics of its species and is skilled at attacking a single target in groups.
Origin: Canine | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 2
Crows that ate T-Virus infected flesh and or insects and became infected themselves. They rarely attack as long as their territory isn’t disturbed, but when they do attack, they peck their targets with their sharp beaks fiercely and repeatedly.
Origin: Bird | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 1
Police Zombie
These uniformed zombies were once officers of the Raccoon City Police Department. Their numbers are plentiful because even off-duty officers were mobilized to quell the riots caused by the cannibalistic disease.
Origin: Human | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 1
An evolved zombie with greater muscular structure and increased athletic abilities.
They were names “Lickers” by members of the Raccoon City Police Department for their incredibly long tongues. Lickers have lost the use of their eyes entirely and track their prey using their highly-developed hearing.
Their expanded brains and newly reformed muscle structure allows them to do things normal zombies can’t. Their claws allow them to easily climb walls and cling to ceilings and make a dangerous weapon against any prey in the vicinity.
Origin: Human | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 3
G Adult Body
A new kind of creature, born from an organism genetically rejecting the G-Virus. It’s the result of forced, false reproduction on the part of the G cells, destroying the host body and rendering it useless.
The G Adult Body that was born out of police chief Brian Irons had a large left arm with an eyeball on it, a unique G characteristic. This creature will also reproduce G Young Bodies from its mouth. These are little reproductions of G with no ability to reproduce themselves.
Origin: Human | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
G Young Bodies
Small organisms spat from the mouth of a G Adult Body. They squirm about on the ground and spring up and attack their prey. Individually they are weak, but when they attack in groups, thy can be menacing. Killing them quickly is very important. G Young Bodies have no ability to reproduce.
Origin: G-mutant | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 1
Giant Spiders
These Giant Spiders were born from the disaster that ravaged all of Raccoon City. They’re thought to have been created when you the T-Virus was carried down into the sewers where they live. Despite their large size, they use the cover of the darkness of the sewers to sneak up on their prey.
Origin: Insect | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 2
Little Spiders
The Young of Giant Spiders. The Giant Spider mother spiders carry around countless numbers of Little Spiders within their abdomens. If the mother dies, the Little Spiders will erupt out of her carcass and attack the offender. They’re small enough that you can kill them with a knife, but the greater their numbers, the greater their threat
Origin: Insect | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 1
First G Form
It is still evident by the left half of its body that this monster was once human. Its greatly swollen right arm, and the lead pipe it wields in its hand can deal extremely deadly attacks, but perhaps because of its asymmetrical body, its movements are slow, and there are huge gaps between its attacks.
Origin: Human | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
Large Roach
These were normal roaches that lived in the sewers until becoming infected with the T-Virus growing to roughly 7-8 times their natural size. Their size has increased to the point that they can eat the very mice that spread the virus. To ensure their prey, they move and attack in groups, which may explain their population explosion.
Origin: Insect | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 1
A B.O.W. born from early experiments with the T-Virus made from an amphibian frog base. Their eyes and ears have devolved greatly in this form, but their ability sense prey has evolved to an almost supernatural level. Their tongues have become strong enough to actually impale a human target with little effort. Their digestive systems have also developed to the point where they can swallow a human whole. Although they contain formidable offensive properties, the reason the Lurkers were not able to be employed as actual B.O.W.s is because of the gaping lack of intelligence.
A baby alligator that was kept as a pet before being let loose in the Raccoon City sewers, where it by the T-Virus. The effects of the virus include highly increased aggression and an increase in size to over 10 meters long. It normally inhabits the garbage dump, where food is most easily available. This creature is a special case, born by accident instead of planning, and there have been no reports of alligator-based creatures in Umbrella before or since.
Origin: Reptile | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 5
Officially named Plant 43, this B.O.W. was developed by analyzing the data from Plant 42. It was selectively bred to move on tis own. It attacks prey with the two ivy-like appendages that give it its name, and inflicts fatal wounds by spitting digestive enzymes out of its head-like flower.
Origin: Plant | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 3
Tyrant T-103 (Mr. X)
This mysterious enemy suddenly dropped from a helicopter. At first glance, it appears human, but it can withstand being dropped from great heights, or sprayed with gunfire. It also appears to act with an objective, however, its purpose is unclear. It has overwhelming combat capabilities, and with the exception of its unprotected head, its body is impervious to small arms fire.
Origin: ? | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
Evolved Licker
An improved Licker found in the Raccoon City underground laboratory. It differs from normal Lickers in color, durability, and claw size, but it attacks in the same manner.
Origin: Human | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 3
Giant Moth
Giant Moths are the product of moths that were used in experiments in the Umbrella laboratories. They escaped and grew to huge proportions due to the T-Virus. For some reason, the Giant Moths’ wings haven’t grown in proportion with the rest of their bodies, so they can only fly a few feet off the ground, and only short distances.
Origin: Insect | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: 2
Baby Moth
The Giant Moth larvae. Their bodies are only 30 centimeters or so in length, and their attack power is rather weak. They are attracted to warm-blooded organisms.
Origin: Insect | Infection: T-Virus | Danger: .5
Second G Form
This is what has become of Dr. William Birkin, the creator of the G-Virus. As the virus takes over his body, the appearance of new organs, a phenomenon unique to G, is apparent. Its mutations have spread to include new bone and skin structures, and a whole new brain to go with its new head. Other mutations involve large claws growing out of the right hand, and a larger version of the eyeball on the right shoulder.
Origin: Human | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
Third G Form
Further progression of G. It has grown two new arms and the larger, almost wing like arms have moved to its back. Changes have also begun in the heart and other organs. As the virus spreads through muscles in the lower body, it becomes capable of moving extremely fast. As with its arms, it now has an eye on its left thigh.
Origin: Human | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
Fourth G Form
After suffering a threat to its life in its third form, G heals its injuries while continuing its mutation to something far removed from its original form. It has become a beast that crawls on four legs. Its agility has increased considerably, as demonstrated by its ability to run on walls and jump very high. After it corners its prey, it uses its head and chest, which have no morphed into a large jaw, to devour it.
Origin: Human | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
Fifth G Form
Eating every living organism in its path, it mutates further into what appears to be a lying lump of flesh and teeth. Its soft, malleable body allows it to squeeze through narrow corridors, and the remains of not-yet-fully-digested creatures can be seen. Its endurance and durability is on the same level as its fourth form, and it’s difficult to inflict critical damage on it, even with heavy weaponry.
Origin: Human | Infection: G-Virus | Danger: 5
Super Tyrant
This Tyrant lost its limiter coat after being dropped in a blast furnace by Leon. And subsequently transformed into a Super Tyrant. The tremendous destructive power of its claws, its brutality, and its agility make it an ideal B.O.W. deserving of its name.
Origin: – | Infection: | Danger: 5
Game Of Oblivion Chapter Enemies:
Graveyard Zombie
Declared dead after being infected by the T-Virus, these prisoner zombies mutated quickly after rainwater help the T-Virus penetrate deep into the soil where they were buried.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Prisoner Zombie
These zombies were once prisoners confined on Rockfort Island who became infected with the T-Virus.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Guard Zombie
These zombies were once security guards who worked under the jurisdiction of the Ashford family.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Bats found on Rockfort Island that were infected by the T-Virus during the outbreak, and have heightened awareness of sound. They attack in swarms circling the skies as one organism, and sink their sharp fangs into their prey and suck their blood.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Trainee Zombie
Before being turned into zombies, these people were once trainees in Umbrella’s special forces. Someone or something attacked them and infected them with the T-Virus.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Black Widow
A spider-based B.O.W. They were specifically developed and trained as B.O.W.’s before being sent to Rockfort Island.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Steve’s Father Zombie
This creature is the result of a failed human experiment to fuse Steve Burnside’s father with a virus. Just like any other zombie, it has vey little intelligence.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Gulp Worm
A biological weapon created by manipulating worm DNA with the T-Virus. Normally, it lies dormant far beneath the ground, but when it smells prey approaching, it comes rushing out of the groud to attack. This worm is actually in the prototype stage, and was used as a practice opponent for Rockfort Island’s Anti-B.O.W. Squad trainees. Its main characteristics are its enormous size and strong digestive organs. Its maw is also large enough to swallow a full-grown adult human. Its maul is also large enough to swallow a full-gown adult human.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Hunter II
Based on leaked data on Umbrella’s B.O.W, the Hunter II is a B.O.W. developed by a rival company. It is governed to only attack designated targets. A certain individual is thought to be behind the Hunter II attack on Rockfort Island, but a motive has yet to be determined. There is an enhanced sub-species with a reddish skin called the Sweeper.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
A new kind of prototype B.O.W. made from a human subject. Its main mode of transportation is to grab onto things with its extendable right arm and pull itself around. Due to its imperfect prototype status, its lower body has devolved and its left arm is all but nonexistent, forcing it to rely on its right arm exclusively. One of its major flaws is that it must use its right arm to cover its head, which is an inherent weak point of humanoid B.O.W.’s
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Tyrant (T-103 Mass Produced Type)
The mass-produced T-103 type Tyrant that was seen in Raccoon City was deployed to Rockfort Island for training by Umbrella’s special forced unit. The only difference from the pervious T-103 Tyrant is that its limiter was removed and its claws are smaller than those of the standard &-103. It boasts the same strength and endurance of previous Tyrant types.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Researcher Zombie
Before being turned into zombies, these people were workers charged with sorting and storing cargo at the Antarctic base. Someone or something attacked them and infected them with the virus.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Worker Zombie
Before being turned into zombies, these people were research personnel studying viruses at the Antarctic base. Someone or something attacked them and infected them with the virus.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Unlike the Giant Moths in the sewers of Raccoon City, these Moths’ wings have grown in perfect proportion to their bodies. This gives these Moths incredible maneuverability. They search the area around their nests for prey, on which they will lay their parasitic eggs.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Moth Larvae. When the eggs which have been laid within the body of an organism hatch, they nourish themselves on their host and grow rapidly. After they have grown to a certain size, they burst out from the body of the hose to find the other prey.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
The final, mutated form of Alexander Ashford, the sixth-generation head of the Ashford Family. It was sent to Umbrella’s Antarctic facility and sealed away for the last 15 years, but soon after it heard the screams of Alfred falling down the chasm in the mining room, it exhibited extraordinary herculean strength and escaped. Despite the fact that both of its arms are held behind its back by a straight-jacket like device, it has three tentacles sprouting from its body, which it uses to move around. Its heart is exposed, protruding through its ribcage. Its body also produces a poison that turns into a deadly fog upon contact with oxygen.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Alexia Ashford used these ants in her experiments with the T-Veronica virus. Injecting them with the virus led to hugely increased growth and hostility. The infected ants began attacking whatever prey they could find with their dangerous pincers. These children of Alexia have built a colony inside the Alexis-Pod which grows beneath the control room. Alexia is their queen.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
A tentacle of the Alexia-Pod which nests in the center of the Antarctica Facility. The Alexia-Pod is a plant-like organism with which Alexia shares a symbiotic relationship. At its base is the nest of her ant children. Alexia can control the movements of the tentacle at will. The tentacle is capable of reaching and attacking prey up to several kilometers away. It cannot function alone, but if it is substantially damages, it will retract on its own.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Steve Monster
Steve Burnside after being injected with the T-Veronica virus by Alexia Ashford. His body was unable to coexist peacefully with the virus, and he became a monster. Due to the virus’s effects on his brain, he has lost all sense of reason or self. Now he exists only to attack, with no concept of friend or foe. His new monster strength is impressive, allowing him to destroy a stone stature with a single swing of his axe. Attacking its exposed heart will slow it down, but his great speed makes escape all but impossible.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Alexia First Form
She still retains much of her human form, and her blood now bursts into flame upon contact with air. The sinewy plant skin that covers her body, with the exception of half of her face, is extremely hard, and can deflect bullets.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Alexia Second Form
Her lower body is one gigantic fallopian tube. She is unable to move from the spot where she sits, but her tentacles as well as the ant larvae she produces can still attack tenaciously. The biggest weak spot is protected by a lens-shaped membrane that even when destroyed, will regenerate after a certain period of time. Dealing fatal damage to Alexia is all but impossible without the use of the Linear Launcher left by Alexander.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Alexia Third Form
Continuing the evolutionary process, Alexia separates her upper body from the giant fallopian tube and with her newly developed wings, she can now fly. Buzzing around in midair, she attacks by spreading her blood and letting it burst into flame. She will continue to move quickly, as long as her strength permits, but her speed will decrease as she takes damage. As with her second form, dealing fatal damage to Alexia is all but impossible without the use of the Linear Launcher left by Alexander.
Origin: – | Infection: – | Danger: –
Special thanks to Zombie-Fetus for text and ShadowOne333 for research and acquiring images.
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