Latest News
Rely on Horror Team - March 31, 2020
A free commentary for these trying times.October Keegan - March 27, 2020
That Muthafuckas gotta ROCKET LAUNCAHOctober Keegan - March 26, 2020
Stay safe, everyone.October Keegan - March 26, 2020
There's nothing to fear except guilt and drug addictsOctober Keegan - March 25, 2020
...great?William Lockwood - March 25, 2020
Relive the glory of the late nineties in 4K!William Lockwood - March 25, 2020
More post-apocalyptic Russian shenanigansCJ Melendez - March 24, 2020
Konami denies recent rumors but states that franchise still lives.October Keegan - March 20, 2020
Uhhh what?October Keegan - March 19, 2020
Nothing like a good ol cup of lore in a series that almost completely ignores its lore.William Lockwood - March 16, 2020
All aboard the astral plane for another wild ride!Rely on Horror Team - March 16, 2020
Stay indoors, friends!Steve Summers - March 16, 2020
Fight for your life in the reimagined Raccoon City later this weekOctober Keegan - March 12, 2020
Yes, it appears to be happening.Avery Xavier Chu - March 11, 2020
Anger is MagicOctober Keegan - March 10, 2020
Step once more into the Entities parlor, as a new DLC for Dead by Daylight drops today. Having backed off…Avery Xavier Chu - March 10, 2020
We're gonna get a horror mech RPG.Steve Summers - March 8, 2020
Get your Nazi zombie-killing fix on the go!October Keegan - March 6, 2020
God damnit lolOctober Keegan - March 6, 2020
Well shit!CJ Melendez - March 6, 2020
Amnesia is back!William Lockwood - March 5, 2020
Handheld HorrorCJ Melendez - March 5, 2020
The Freeman Returns.October Keegan - March 5, 2020
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cellCJ Melendez - March 4, 2020
To hell with your pizza, Eddie!October Keegan - March 4, 2020
bang bangOctober Keegan - March 3, 2020
Damnit.October Keegan - March 3, 2020
Finally, some good f***ing gameplay