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Dominik Mayr - June 15, 2010
TROPHIES: Bronze: 33 Sliber: 4 Gold: 3 Platin: 1 BRONZE TROPHIES Dead on Arrival Complete Chapter 1 on any setting…Dominik Mayr - June 15, 2010
Developer Diary Part 1 Developer Diary Part 2 Developer Diary Part 3 Developer Diary Part 4 Dead Space GamePlay Video…Dominik Mayr - June 15, 2010
221-V PLASMA CUTTER The 211-V Plasma Cutter is the first weapon that Isaac comes across on the blood-spattered decks of…Dominik Mayr - June 15, 2010
There's an issue with the audio file player. Will be fixed soon. There are many whispering voices in Dead Space.…Dominik Mayr - June 15, 2010
In February 2009 a video running Dead Space on the first Xbox has popped up on the internet. "This video…Dominik Mayr - June 14, 2010
Harry Mason Age: 30 Harry Mason is a writer in his early 30s who awakens to find himself in a…Jorge Bocanegra - June 14, 2010
Remedy has released a new trailer for their upcoming DLC for Alan Wake: The Signal. Before getting to the actual…Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
Heavy Rain puts you in the shoes of four separate characters. Their paths will intertwine at various points in the…Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
There are a total of 7 endings in Heavy Rain that can be unlocked. Each one requires a different set…Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
Despite being referred to repeatedly by critics as nothing more than a several-hour quick-time-event (which us at RoH whole-heartedly disagree…Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
Heavy Rain contains a nice set of 57 trophies to unlock. Unfortunately, the game is pretty mum on how to…Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
The permanent and temporary residents of Bright Falls.Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
There's something strange happening in Bright Falls. The people there are suddenly no longer themselves. Shrouded in shadows, they've taken…Tarrah Rivard - June 14, 2010
The Alan Wake Files is a limited edition booklet that came with the collector's edition of Alan Wake. The Collector's…Jorge Pedroza - June 14, 2010
Here you can find sheets for the music made by Akira Yamaoka for the Silent Hill series, from guitar tabs,…Jorge Pedroza - June 14, 2010
Here you can find some of the sheets for music found throughout the Resident Evil series on piano arrangements. Note: In…Jorge Bocanegra - June 9, 2010
Sad to say but the Nintendo Gamecube remake of Resident Evil re-released on Wii, under the Resident Evil Archives banner,…Tarrah Rivard - June 9, 2010
E3 is less than 10 days away. Not as if we've been counting or anything...) And with the clock quickly…Jorge Bocanegra - June 9, 2010
Some new info comes to light.Jorge Bocanegra - June 9, 2010
To coincide with the release of AfterlifeDominik Mayr - June 9, 2010
Capcom's CEO speaks about the future of the franchise.Dominik Mayr - May 20, 2010
A sequel to a well known franchise. It has been reported that Capcom has just stated how they have a…