Latest News
Jorge Bocanegra - May 18, 2011
Beautiful Madness.Martin Chew - May 18, 2011
Previously on ROH.Jorge Bocanegra - May 17, 2011
A small snippet of what’s to come.Jorge Bocanegra - May 17, 2011
An update on the current 'Resurrection' release date scenario.Jorge Bocanegra - May 17, 2011
Some Amnesia goodies for you.Jorge Bocanegra - May 17, 2011
Now we can see Barry's beard in glasses-free 3D.Jorge Bocanegra - May 17, 2011
Check out some new footage.Jorge Bocanegra - May 17, 2011
Welcome back.Jorge Bocanegra - May 16, 2011
Spoilers.Jorge Bocanegra - May 16, 2011
That's a lot of weapons.Jorge Bocanegra - May 16, 2011
Some new screens.Tarrah Rivard - May 15, 2011
Let's pre-emptively call this the Summer of Horror Gaming Bonuses!Martin Chew - May 14, 2011
What the title says. RUN!Jorge Bocanegra - May 13, 2011
Makes the wait till next month even harder.Tarrah Rivard - May 13, 2011
A few tasty gameplay clips of their E3 demo!Jorge Bocanegra - May 13, 2011
Resident Evil 'Retribution'?Jorge Bocanegra - May 13, 2011
Check out Rebecca and a bunch of enemies.Jorge Bocanegra - May 13, 2011
In celebration of Resident Evil’s 15th anniversary.Ryan Stanford - May 13, 2011
Watch Alice's descent into madness.Ryan Stanford - May 13, 2011
5 minutes of the criminally overlooked Shadows of the Damned.Ryan Stanford - May 12, 2011
Remedy on Alan Wake's development faults, and how to improve them in the future.Ryan Stanford - May 12, 2011
Three games, three previews, three scans, one source.Ryan Stanford - May 12, 2011
Information on the story for the upcoming Tomb Raider Title.Jorge Bocanegra - May 12, 2011
Announcement incoming.Jorge Bocanegra - May 12, 2011
More Mortal Kombat coming our way.Jorge Bocanegra - May 12, 2011
SEGA publishing yet another Aliens title.Tarrah Rivard - May 12, 2011
Nothing planned yet, but that doesn't mean that nothing will ever be.Jorge Bocanegra - May 11, 2011
A very attractive pre-order incentive.