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Zobek in ‘Reverie’ (SPOILERS)
As promised, we’re now going to be discussing the character of Zobek and try to speculate how he’s going to play a role in the upcoming DLC, Reverie. First of all, it’s worth noting that in my honest opinion, I think Zobek will be used strictly in flashback scenes, possibly having to do with the time-machine which was pictured. So now for a brief little history on the character.
Right from the very beginning you have the Patrick Stewart-voiced character narrating the unfolding events. He also does this on a chapter by chapter basis, to mask the load times. One other initial impression of the character is that he seems like a pretty good guy. Keyword: seems. Hell, he even saves Gabriel from falling victim to the Ice Titan at the end of Chapter 1, after conversing with Pan. It’s at this moment in the story where the cards are basically laid on the table. Gabriel will head for the land of the lycans and Zobek will traverse into the land of the vampires, with them eventually meeting up to head into the land of the Necromancers together. All of this in order to overthrow the Lords of Shadow and bridging the gap between Earth and Heaven so that the souls of the dead can freely ascend, sans the restriction set up by the Dark Lords.
Later on you once again meet up with Zobek, while the whole time it’s suggested that Zobek is actually shadowing Gabriel as he goes on about his quest. In Chapter 5 after defeating Cornell, the Dark Lord of the Lycans, previously in Chapter 3 Zobek once again shows up. He seems to be praying over the body of a dead Brotherhood comrade. As a matter of fact, the whole snow-filled area is littered with bodies. Zobek, possibly, has something to do with this, because as we later find out, he isn’t exactly the good-willed comrade he was initially made out to be.
Then you meet up with the witch, Baba Yaga, in the Woes Moor chapter. She aids Gabriel in his quest and after leading him into his next destination, Zobek’s proceeding narration suggests that he murders the aiding witch. Starting from this moment players start to get a little suspicious in regards to the true nature of Zobek’s character. And then we head into the end of the game when all is revealed.
Zobek was, in fact, the Lord of the Necromancers this whole time. And he reveals his entire plan to Gabriel right before the fight with Satan at the end of the game. What Zobek planned was to have complete dominance and so he used Gabriel to do just that. The whole mystery of who killed Gabriel’s wife ended here where it was revealed that Gabriel himself, under the influence of Zobek and the Death mask, murdered his wife. Then when Gabriel met Claudia and her Black Knight protector, Zobek saw this as the perfect oppurtunity to potentially have control over Gabriel. He knew Gabriel would snap and end up killing the poor innocent girl, and thus end up defeating her protector. Gabriel did just that, and when he obtained the dark gauntlet Zobek was able to control him at the end of the game by preventing Gabriel from striking him. Basically, Zobek had influence over Gabriel throughout the entirety of his quest. But how exactly did Zobek end up with such dark powers?
One of the founding members of the Brotherhood of Light, Zobek was one of the 3 major figures of said group. When he died, like the others, he left behind his dark form while his pure spirit ascended into heaven. This led to the formation of “The Lord of the Dead” as he is referred to as being. Which also leads to the belief that he is Death himself. Zobek then sought complete power over everyone so he went to the depths of Hell to gain mastery in the dark arts. Satan himself was the one who filled him with knowledge and thus Zobek came out stronger, leading to the curse that split the heavens from the Earth and basically leading to the scenario humanity faces at the beginning of the game.
Then, of course, Satan comes back and reclaims complete power. But let’s focus solely on Zobek. Now that we have a basic study of his character it’s time to see how he will play into the events of ‘Reverie’.
The time machine seen in one of the images for the upcoming DLC, coupled with the trio of potrait shots of the founding members of the Brotherhood of Light, seems to strongly indicate that we’ll be going back in time to see how the Brotherhood was before they died and ascended into heaven, leaving behind their dark siblings. I honestly can’t see Zobek playing another role in ‘Reverie’ in terms of present-time. I believe he’ll be serving such a role in next month’s ‘Resurrection’ DLC where we may even fight him as Death.
But then again, we do have a shot that suggests that we’ll be returning to the clock tower so we may actually end up confronting Zobek in the past and in the present. And what more, there’s also grim reapers in the castle now as seen in other screens. So, we’re at least going to have a lot more insight into the character of Zobek after ‘Reverie’ is all said and done. I think they’re saving the actual fight with him till ‘Resurrection’, though. As Death is definitely one of the most “notorious” enemies in the franchise’s history.
But enough about my opinion, what do you guys think? What role do you think Zobek will play in ‘Reverie’? Make sure to sound off in the comments below, or you may also email me directly as jbocanegra@relyonhorror.com if you want to be a bit more personal.