DailyVania: Countdown to ‘Reverie’ (Part 1)

Welcome to DailyVania, a daily feature exclusively here at Rely on Horror. DailyVania is your daily dose of Castlevania. You can expect editorials, news reactions, character history, videos, and much more! If there’s anything specific you want covered from the Castlevania franchise please shoot me an email at jbocanegra@relyonhorror.com. We do value our fans and their respective opinions, so you could expect to even have your opinions featured sometimes! Hopefully you all enjoy this feature.

Zobek in Reverie

We all love Zobek. Not just because he’s voiced by the legendary Patrick Stewart, but because his character is…interesting. I’ll leave it at that. I know what you’re thinking, but for spoilers sake I’ll leave my character study of Zobek for a later date, and I’ll mark it as spoilers for those who may have not beaten the game yet.

But here we have Zobek in the past, wearing his Brotherhood dreads proudly. But wait, in the words of Dracula “ How can this be?!” Well, there’s a time machine involved so that may  factor into why we’ve been shown a trio of photos depicting Zobek and his Brotherhood comrades: Cornell and Carmilla, in their past-forms.

Come back tomorrow for a spoiler-filled look at how Zobek can factor into the upcoming Lords of Shadow DLC.


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