Contest: Tweet to win The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 1 (PS3)

Clementine is back, and if you’ve yet to say hello to her, we’ve got your pass right here. We’re giving away a North American PSN code for Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 1.

How can you win it? Easy: Follow Rely on Horror on Twitter (this is important as it allows us to contact the winner) and tweet the following tweet:

Hey, @Arsenic13, I want a PSN code for @telltalegames‘ TWD Season 2: Episode 1! #ClementineContestRoH

I’ve also embedded the tweet that you can easily RT for double the contest fun.

The contest will end on Sunday (December 22th, 2013) at 4PM EST. Twitter user @tibus_blitz has won the code!

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