Our review will be a little behind schedule, but the folks behind Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z have sent us an extra code for contesting. Following their #HaikuHorror hashtag, I’ve devised a very similar contest that will require those who want the game to leave their best ninja/zombie haiku in the comments below.
The haiku does not have to be about both zombies and ninjas, but it can be if you so choose. The best haiku writer will receive a free Steam copy of Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. Need a reminder on how to write a haiku? It’s simply three lines with a certain amount of syllables each: 5-7-5. Easy!
Here’s my example keeping in the theme of the game:
Ninja with a blade / he is also half robot / Ryu is a b****
When you post your haiku in the comments below please leave an email address you’re comfortable posting. We’ll reach out to you there if you win.
The contest will end on Monday at 7PM EST / 5PM PST.