The Walking Dead by Tell Tale has to be one of the best games out there that forces you to think about your actions and their repercussions. Character relationship between yourself (Lee Everett) and fellow survivors are constantly put to the test by depressing, stressful, and intense moments.
Clementine, a helpless little girl found by Lee, acts as the game’s moral compass. Because of her role your actions will constantly be defined by how she responds to them. This makes being an asshole to her and the rest of the survivors very hard to do … for me, at least.
So, I have started a Let’s Play series that will be based around the theme of playing The Walking Dead as much of an asshole as possible. Much to my chagrin, I will be mean, unforgiving, and plain sociopathic when it comes to my story decisions. Below you can find the entirety of my Let’s Play for The Walking Dead Episode 1. Be sure to leave feedback, subscribe, and share!