Want to check out three games that feature different types of horror? Over the last few weeks I checked out PARATOPIC — a bite-sized surrealist horror game that pays homage to David Lynch and David Cronenberg, The Beast Inside — a photorealistic nightmare ride that actually managed to freak me out, and Rise of Insanity — a new psychological horror title that made for a rather uninspired story with some cool set-pieces.
The Beast Inside has three days left on Kickstarter to fund development and reach stretchgoals; our giveaway for demo keys is still live, by the way! Rise of Insanity is on Steam now and has VR support, which might be the best way to experience it if you’re looking for some decent scares. Finally, PARATOPIC is just $5.49 on Itch.io; consider picking it up to support its three creators, one of which could really use your help after receiving terrible news from his doctor recently. I followed said person, Doc Burford, after playing the game (which I really enjoyed) and soon after he received the news. If you’ll allow me to say so, please consider picking up the game — it’s well worth the cost — to support his journey to recovery.
Check out all three full playthroughs below.