Bioshock 2 finally sees single-player DLC

After a couple of packs intended to enhance the multi-player experience presented in Bioshock 2, fans were wondering if we would get any DLC contributed towards the campaign? While this doesn’t expand or shed light on any of the plot developments in the game, this just-announced DLC pack will add Challenge levels into the single-player experience.

The DLC is titled: The Protector Trials, and it sees players doing as the title implies…protecting little sisters from hordes of enemies. So if you were a fan of those frantic shootouts with splicers while your Little Sister obtained ADAM then this will be right up your alley. The trials will take you through 6 maps that will seem quite familiar to those who’ve cleared the game. Your Big Daddy will be full-equipped from the get-go, allowing you to focus solely on strategies for taking out the splicers while keeping your Little Sister guarded at all times.

Look out for this to hit digital shelves on August 3rd.

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