Hidden Panda Games is an independent studio consisting of people from all over the world who work on their projects from their own homes. The team was formed via Reddit and today a representative reached out to me to speak about their first title.
Survivor Zero is a realistic zombie survival game that is set in a world that is randomly generated for the player, but unlike many other titles like it (*cough* National Zombie Park *cough*), the “realism” in this project sounds pretty legitimate. While it is still a work-in-progress, Hidden Panda’s PR manager Aric Pike boasted that the game can generate almost 14 million miles of terrain and any item that is spawned, moved, or otherwise manipulated by the player or zombies will remain in the world in the same state it is left in until somebody interacts with it again. The algorithm for the world also changes the weather based on seasons and will make sure that useful items are always spawned in sensible locations, so players won’t be finding healthy food in the trash or medicine under the table.
The game will also feature realistic gun physics and the player’s inventory is based on what they are wearing, plus you can supposedly upgrade clothes to add more pockets and pouches. I was also particularly intrigued by a little note that said players can customize their game, with an example being the ability to turn off zombie children and babies. While it wouldn’t be the first time that the zombie horde includes some kiddos, many people find it uncomfortable and don’t think games should include them.
Overall, it sounds like a really cool project. I have emailed back to Hidden Panda Games for additional information and will upgrade this post when I hear back.