AMY: Everything We Know So Far

Lex Numerique’s upcoming survival horror title AMY is shaping up to be quite promising. We’ve seen a few screens from the upcoming title and we’ve received a small dose of information, but now recent previews have been cropping up giving us some more details on AMY. You’ll be able to find a summary of the main points below as well as an updated gallery with new screens. You can also check out the first piece of gameplay footage from the game.

– “Amy is a survival horror title that is closer to Silent Hill than Resident Evil; it draws inspiration from Ico and films like Alien, Panic Room and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road”

– Global warming has taken its toll on Earth with natural disaster happening frequently.

– A comet hits the game’s main setting: Silver City. This leads to an outbreak of sorts.

– The main character, Lana, is 20 years of age and is aboard a train when the comet struck. She wakes up to find her train wrecked and the citizens of Silver City into infected monstrosities.

– The enemies are described as being “enraged” though they have the appearance of zombies.

– Lana’s injury has led to her body being exposed to this mysterious virus; she’s beginning to suffer the initial stages of the infection.

– You then meet up with Amy who is a small girl who is afraid scared of everything and anyone in her surrounding.

– One of the early stages pits Lana and Amy in an underground Subway system.

– Visuals are of very high quality, which is notable due to this game being a downloadable- only release.

– Superb textures, and lighting as well as exceptional animation which brings the characters to life.

– Little animation details making even the characters’ movement really life-like, for example: Amy doesn’t just follow you by walking how you would expect her to, she actually takes each step with a strong emission of nervousness, making her fear pretty apparent to the player.

– When you order her to go somewhere she doesn’t just go on about and move normally, she actually turns back around to make sure Lana is still there; you really get to see fear through her animation which is superb especially for a game in this genre.

– You can actually see the virus floating through the environment.

– Lana has an indicator on her back that changes color depending on the infection level in your current area.

– Stay too long in heavily infected areas and you start to see Lana’s transformation, brought about by the virus, firsthand.

– This “zombification” process turns you into one of the enemies but you can still interact with the environments while in this mode.

– When transformed into the enemy you’re able to walk freely among them without being detected.

– Low level mutants aren’t able to detect you so you’re free to complete objectives.

– There will be enemies, though, that can detect you in this will turn into a fight for survival against a horde of infected enemies.

– Lana starts to hallucinate after being exposed to the infection for too long, which can be seen in the game’s first piece of gameplay footage.

– You can heal yourself by seeking out med kits or by holding on to Amy’s hand which not only heals you but it also restores your sanity.

– Aside from healing, Amy also has a torch which will come in handsy when exploring the game’s world. You can grab onto Amy’s hand and guide her to infection-heavy areas where you can see Amy making terrified facial expressions.

– When holding onto her hand the controller starts to vibrate when you get near enemies, the vibration is more felt as the danger gets closer. One example of this comes when a huge monster burst through a door and starts chasing after Lana and Amy, you get vibration warnings before this but still, the shock effect should be good.

– Enemies have a collective AI which means that one enemy can actually interact by sharing experiences and information with other nearby enemies in order to attack you as a collective unit; yeah, these aren’t your ordinary zombies.

– Sneaking and evading is more important than actually engaging in combat seeing as how Lana has a basic dodge, feint and some basic attack abilities in her move-set, though it was teased that Amy’s abilities during the game will evolve allowing for potential, more combat-focused scenarios.

– There will be NPCs and other characters throughout the game. For example: The military will become involved and they actually play a big role in the game. While Lana can, thanks to her infected abilities, move through enemies without being detected (most of the time) she’ll have to form bonds with NPCs throughout the game and form relationships. But, of course, there are some people in the game who aren’t too approving of Lana’s infected state.

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